

Bloxhub, the Danish consortium leading urban resiliency efforts around the world, profiles LICC’s vision for waterfront development in and around Anable Basin. Read their overview of our design and reuse proposal HERE.

Community Board 2 Queens

On September 3, 2020 CB2 voted unanimously to accept and submitted a report titled “LIC Waterfront Development: CB2 Comments on Proposed Plans. The report was a resolution that reaffirms the call for public land for public purpose and provided recommendations for community based comprehensive planning for resiliency and sustainability.

Court Square Civic Association

LICC supports CSCA on the ramps parks proposal. Read NYC Housing Preservation & Development’s proposal for city-owned land HERE.

Movement to Protect the People

Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park

The groups NYT Article says it all “Activists Camp Out to Call for Completion of a Brooklyn Park.”

Green New Deal

Human Scale City

Hunters Point Community Coalition

Hunters Point Parks Conservancy

Hunters Point Civic Association

LIC Coalition helped HPCA prepare for its BQX educational event. Check out the film ‘Gentrification Express’ HERE.

Read Hunters Point Civic Association’s 2019 report ‘Community-Centered Development for Anable Basin Sites, Proposals by the Community, for the Community,” HERE.

LICC often attends HPCA’s events, here is a gathering of participants and diverse stakeholders.

CRÈME Jun Aizaki Architecture & Design

Jun independently reimagined and rendered these drawings of the bridge in …. View the proposal HERE.  CRÈME has been working on the Timber Bridge at LongPoint Corridor, a floating passageway made of wood. Between Brooklyn and Queens, there is a unique opportunity to improve pedestrian transit

Justice for All Coalition

Showing up at Justice for All’s Community Outreach and NYCHA events.

Nautilus International Development Consulting

LIC Coalition hired a private consultant to collate personal testimonies for the Environmental Impact Statement draft scope for then proposed Anable Basin Rezoning. Read report HERE.

. report HERE.

Municipal Arts Society

MAS studied “Cumulative Impacts of Anable Basin Rezoning.” Read the report HERE.

MAS published a Take of Two Rezonings. Check it out HERE.

LIC Coalition attends MAS’s talk on a Tale of Two Rezonings.

Newtown Creek Alliance

Sunshine Movement

Western Queens Community Land Trust.

LICC visited the WLTC at Queensbridge to see their revisioning of the DOE Building located Vernon and 44th Avenue.

Woodside on The Move

Flowers for the People

Newtown Creek Alliance